Monday, February 29, 2016

Brazil Workshop attracts wide audience

The Brazilian member committee recently held a workshop looking at the future of energy in Brazil to 2060, based on the Council’s Scenarios and Trilemma. The event included presentations by Professor Karl Rose, Senior Director for Scenarios and Policies, as well as representatives from Eletrobras, Petrobras and Energy Research Company (EPE), the Ministry of Mines and Energy and academic groups from engineering and economics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the Institute for Energy and Environment at the University of Sao Paulo.
Almost 80 energy experts from the Brazilian Government, companies and academia as well as experts from Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela attended. The workshop consolidated important messages about the challenges that Brazil should pursue for supplying energy to 2060 and to manage energy demand in a more sustainable way.
Director Ricardo Gorini, EPE, said in his presentation that “…never has he seen an event as representative of the participation of Brazil’s energy study centers.”
It showed that for an emerging country like Brazil, some variables such as GDP growth and carbon pricing will have a strong impact on the level of growth, energy efficiency and the choices of the most competitive energy for the necessary new plants”.
The work will inform the World Energy Council’s Scenarios in both the Latin American perspective report which will be presented in July in Rio de Janeiro and the full World Energy Scenario’s to 2060 report which will be presented at the 23rd World Energy Congress in October.


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